
Application Details

Application Number 1
Geographical Indications Darjeeling Tea (Word)
Status Registered
Applicant Name Tea Board
Applicant Address Tea Board 14, B.T.M. Sarani (Brabourne Road), P.O.Box No.2172, Kolkatta - 700 001, India.
Date of Filing 27/10/2003
Class 30
Goods Agriculture
Geographical Area West Bengal
Priority Country India
Journal Number 1
Availability Date 01/07/2004
Certificate Number 1
Certificate Date 29/10/2004
Registration Valid Upto 26/10/2033

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
11 - GI - Renewal Details - 26-10-2023 26/10/2023
21 - GI - Form GI -9B Addition - 01-04-2022 01/04/2022
31 - GI - AU-7240-GI-1-1-Trifed Ministry of Tribal affairs - 01-03-2021 01/03/2021
41 - GI - Letter - 12-09-2019 12/09/2019
51 - GI - Order - 06-09-2019 06/09/2019
61 - GI - Reply - 26-10-2018 26/10/2018
71 - GI - Amended by way of addition - 12-12-2017 12/12/2017
81 - GI - Form GI-2B Application for Removal - 30-03-2015 30/03/2015
91 - GI - Form GI-4A - 18-10-2013 18/10/2013
101 - GI - Renewal Notice - 01-10-2013 01/10/2013
111 - Certificate of Registration - 29-10-2004 29/10/2004
121 - GI - Submitted GI - 14-10-2004 14/10/2004
131 - GI - Journal Copy - 01-07-2004 01/07/2004
141 - Reply to Examination Report - 27-05-2004 27/05/2004
151 - Map - 20-05-2004 20/05/2004
161 - Affidavit - 20-05-2004 20/05/2004
171 - Examination Report - 12-04-2004 12/04/2004
181 - Constitution of Consultative Group - 05-04-2004 05/04/2004
191 - GI - Minutes CGM - 05-04-2004 05/04/2004
201 - GI - Opposition to GI - 05-04-2004 05/04/2004
211 - GI - Reply to Circular - 31-03-2004 31/03/2004
221 - GI - submitted cgm - 29-03-2004 29/03/2004
231 - GI - Nomination of CG - 19-03-2004 19/03/2004
241 - Constitution of Consultative Group - 19-03-2004 19/03/2004
251 - GI - cgmdoc - 15-03-2004 15/03/2004
261 - GI - cgmdoc2 - 15-03-2004 15/03/2004
271 - Constitution of Consultative Group - 15-03-2004 15/03/2004
281 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 14-11-2003 14/11/2003
291 - Form GI-1 - 27-10-2003 27/10/2003
301 - GI - Annex A - 27-10-2003 27/10/2003
311 - GI - Annex B1 - 27-10-2003 27/10/2003
321 - GI - Annex C - 27-10-2003 27/10/2003
331 - GI - Annex D - 27-10-2003 27/10/2003
341 - GI - Form GI-1 - Logo - 27-10-2003 27/10/2003
351 - Additional Representation - 27-10-2003 27/10/2003
361 - GI - List of Name and Address Growing Gardens - 27-10-2003 27/10/2003
371 - GI - Application for Reg of Darjeeling - 18-10-2003 18/10/2003
381 - Statement of Case - 17-10-2003 17/10/2003

Authorized User Details

Authorized User No
Authorized User Name
Authorized User Address
1AU/7240/GI/1/1Trifed, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, RO KolkataB-152 Survey Park, SantoshpurPre Examination

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