
Application Details

Application Number 11
Geographical Indications Mysore Silk
Status Registered
Applicant Name Karnataka Silk Industries Corporation Limited
Applicant Address Karnataka Silk Industries Corporation Limited, (A Government of Karnataka Enterprise), III & IV Floor, Public Utility Building, M.G. Road, Bangalore – 560 001, Karnataka, India.
Date of Filing 22/07/2004
Class 23,24 & 25
Goods Handicraft
Geographical Area Karnataka
Priority Country India
Journal Number 3
Availability Date 22/11/2004
Certificate Number 14
Certificate Date 28/11/2005
Registration Valid Upto 21/07/2024

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
111 - GI - Renewal Letter - 22-12-2023 22/12/2023
211 - GI - Renewal Notice - 14-07-2014 14/07/2014
311 - GI - Renewal Notice - (Form 0-3) - 18-06-2014 18/06/2014
411 - Certificate of Registration - 28-11-2005 28/11/2005
511 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 17-02-2005 17/02/2005
611 - GI - Journal Copy - 01-11-2004 01/11/2004
711 - Examination Report - 07-10-2004 07/10/2004
811 - GI - Meeting of Consultative Group - 17-08-2004 17/08/2004
911 - GI - Minutes of Consultative Group Meeting - 17-08-2004 17/08/2004
1011 - Constitution of Consultative Group - 17-08-2004 17/08/2004
1111 - Additional Representation - 22-07-2004 22/07/2004
1211 - Form GI-1 - 22-07-2004 22/07/2004
1311 - GI - Counter Statement and Form GI 2B - 22-07-2004 22/07/2004
1411 - Map - 22-07-2004 22/07/2004
1511 - Statement of Case - 22-07-2004 22/07/2004

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