
Application Details

Application Number 122
Geographical Indications Uppada Jamdani Sarees
Status Registered
Applicant Name i.The Uppada Handloom Weavers Co-operative Production & Sales Society Ltd ii.Durga Handloom Weavers Co-operative Production & Sales Society Limited, iii. Kothapalli Master Weavers' Association.
Applicant Address i. Uppada, U Kothapalli Mandal, East Godhavari Dist, Andhra Pradesh - 533 447, ii.Kothapalli, U Kothapalli Mandal, East Godhavari District, Andhra Pradesh - 533 448.iii.Kothapalli, U Kothapalli Mandal, East Godhavari District, Andhra Pradesh - 533 448.
Date of Filing 10/04/2008
Class 24 & 25
Goods Handicraft
Geographical Area Andhra Pradesh
Priority Country India
Journal Number 27
Availability Date 10/10/2008
Certificate Number 106
Certificate Date 05/03/2009
Registration Valid Upto 09/04/2028

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1122 - GI - Renewal Letter - 22-04-2022 22/04/2022
2122 - GI - Renewal Details - 02-04-2018 02/04/2018
3122 - GI - Renewal Notice - 19-01-2018 19/01/2018
4122 - Certificate of Registration - 05-03-2009 05/03/2009
5122 - GI - Certificate Map - 05-03-2009 05/03/2009
6122 - GI - Journal Copy - 03-10-2008 03/10/2008
7122 - GI - Annex A - 08-05-2008 08/05/2008
8122 - GI - Annex B - 08-05-2008 08/05/2008
9122 - GI - CGM - 08-05-2008 08/05/2008
10122 - GI - CGM1 - 08-05-2008 08/05/2008
11122 - GI - Circular and Agenda - 07-05-2008 07/05/2008
12122 - Constitution of Consultative Group - 01-05-2008 01/05/2008
13122 - Formality Check Report - 01-05-2008 01/05/2008
14122 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 10-04-2008 10/04/2008
15122 - Form GI-1 - 10-04-2008 10/04/2008
16122 - GI - Form GI-10 of Kothapalli Handloom - 10-04-2008 10/04/2008
17122 - GI - Form GI-10 of Uppada Handloom - 10-04-2008 10/04/2008
18122 - GI - Filing New Application - 09-04-2008 09/04/2008

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