
Application Details

Application Number 123
Geographical Indications Nashik Valley Wine
Status Registered
Applicant Name National Horticulture Board
Applicant Address (i) National Horticulture Board, No.85, Institutional Area, Sector-18, Gurgaon - 122 015, Haryana, India, (ii) Nashik Valley Wine Producers Association, No.651, 'A' Wing Market Yard, Dindori Road, Panchvati, Nashik - 422 003, Maharashtra India.
Date of Filing 22/04/2008
Class 33
Goods Manufactured
Geographical Area Maharashtra
Priority Country India
Journal Number 32
Availability Date 30/03/2010
Certificate Number 123
Certificate Date 04/08/2010
Registration Valid Upto 21/04/2028

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1123 - GI - Renewal Letter - 22-04-2022 22/04/2022
2123 - GI - Renewal Details - 20-04-2018 20/04/2018
3123 - GI - Renewal Notice - 19-01-2018 19/01/2018
4123 - Certificate of Registration - 04-08-2010 04/08/2010
5123 - GI - Certificate Map - 04-08-2010 04/08/2010
6123 - GI - Journal Copy - 30-03-2010 30/03/2010
7123 - GI - Reply to Examination Report - 21-12-2009 21/12/2009
8123 - Examination Report - 09-11-2009 09/11/2009
9123 - Constitution of Consultative Group - 08-10-2009 08/10/2009
10123 - GI - Minutes of Consultative Group Meeting - 08-10-2009 08/10/2009
11123 - GI - Meeting of Consultative Group - 01-10-2009 01/10/2009
12123 - GI - Change of Name of GI Application - 01-10-2009 01/10/2009
13123 - Reply to FCR by Applicant - 01-10-2009 01/10/2009
14123 - Formality Check Report - 04-09-2009 04/09/2009
15123 - GI - Response to ER - 08-02-2009 08/02/2009
16123 - Statement of Case - 22-04-2008 22/04/2008
17123 - GI - Affidavit 2 - 22-04-2008 22/04/2008
18123 - GI - Memorandum and Articles of Association - 22-04-2008 22/04/2008
19123 - GI - Form GI-9C - 22-04-2008 22/04/2008
20123 - Form GI-1 - 22-04-2008 22/04/2008
21123 - Additional Representation - 22-04-2008 22/04/2008
22123 - Affidavit - 22-04-2008 22/04/2008
23123 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 22-04-2008 22/04/2008
24123 - GI - Enclosure of Form GI-1 - 21-04-2008 21/04/2008

Authorized User Details

Authorized User No
Authorized User Name
Authorized User Address
1AU/7097/GI/123/1M/s. Vintage Wines Private LimitedS4 Jaldhara Complex, Near Bytco Point, Nashik RoadRegistered

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