
Application Details

Application Number 1358
Geographical Indications Bamboo Craft of Maharashtra
Status New Application
Applicant Name Bamboo Research & Training Centre
Applicant Address Chichpalli, Chandrapur , Maharashtra, India, 442 401
Date of Filing 06/09/2024
Class 20,27
Goods Handi Crafts
Geographical Area
Priority Country
Journal Number
Availability Date
Certificate Number
Certificate Date
Registration Valid Upto

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
11358 - Formality Check Report - 13-09-2024 13/09/2024
21358 - Form GI-1 - 06-09-2024 06/09/2024
31358 - GI - Geographical Area - 06-09-2024 06/09/2024
41358 - GI - Historical Proof - 06-09-2024 06/09/2024
51358 - GI - Memorandum of Association - 06-09-2024 06/09/2024
61358 - GI - Production Process - 06-09-2024 06/09/2024
71358 - GI - Specification and Product Profiles - 06-09-2024 06/09/2024
81358 - GI - Statement of Case - 06-09-2024 06/09/2024
91358 - GI - Supporting Documents 1 - 06-09-2024 06/09/2024
101358 - GI - Supporting Documents 2 - 06-09-2024 06/09/2024

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