Application Details
Application Number | 1369 |
Geographical Indications | Wood Carving Crafts of Cherpu |
Status | New Application |
Applicant Name | 1, The Cherpu Carpenters Co-operative Society Limited. 2, Cherpu Dharu Shilpa Kendram Swayam Sahaya Sangam, 3. Cherpu Karakoushala Sangam |
Applicant Address | 1, No.409, Post: Cherpu District: Thrissur, Kerala 680561 and 2, Reg. No. 03/2021/01/TSR, District: Thrissur, Kerala 680561 and 3, Reg. No. TSR/TC/127/2023, Chitturmana Road, Post: Cherpu, Thrissur, Kerala , India, 680 561 |
Date of Filing | 27/09/2024 |
Class | 20 |
Goods | Handi Crafts |
Geographical Area | |
Priority Country | |
Journal Number | |
Availability Date | |
Certificate Number | |
Certificate Date | |
Registration Valid Upto |
Document Details