
Application Details

Application Number 162
Geographical Indications Moradabad Metal Craft (Merged With Application No.161)
Status Merged
Applicant Name Export Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh Government Export Promotion Bureau
Applicant Address Export Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh Government Export Promotion Bureau, PUCUP Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Date of Filing 09/02/2009
Class 6
Goods Handicraft
Geographical Area Uttar Pradesh
Priority Country India
Journal Number 54
Availability Date 28/11/2013
Certificate Number 205
Certificate Date 31/03/2014
Registration Valid Upto 08/02/2019

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1162 - GI - Reply to ER - 21-11-2013 21/11/2013
2162 - GI - Reply to ER - Covering Letter - 21-11-2013 21/11/2013
3162 - GI - Reply to ER - Form GI-1A (Amended Application) - 21-11-2013 21/11/2013
4162 - GI - Reply to ER - Map - 21-11-2013 21/11/2013
5162 - GI - Reply to ER - Representation - 21-11-2013 21/11/2013
6162 - Examination Report - 12-09-2013 12/09/2013
7162 - Examination Report - 28-09-2012 28/09/2012
8162 - GI - Minutes of Consultative Group Meeting - 16-08-2012 16/08/2012
9162 - Constitution of Consultative Group - 02-08-2012 02/08/2012
10162 - GI - Compliance with Examination Report - 20-07-2012 20/07/2012
11162 - Formality Check Report - 27-05-2009 27/05/2009
12162 - GI - Annexure 1 - 09-02-2009 09/02/2009
13162 - GI - Annexure 2 - 09-02-2009 09/02/2009
14162 - GI - Annexure 3 - 09-02-2009 09/02/2009
15162 - GI - Annexure 4 - 09-02-2009 09/02/2009
16162 - GI - Annexure 5 - 09-02-2009 09/02/2009
17162 - GI - Logo - 09-02-2009 09/02/2009
18162 - GI - Pictures - 09-02-2009 09/02/2009
19162 - Form GI-1 - 09-02-2009 09/02/2009
20162 - Map - 09-02-2009 09/02/2009
21162 - Statement of Case - 09-02-2009 09/02/2009
22162 - Affidavit - 09-02-2009 09/02/2009
23162 - GI - Cheque - 30-01-2009 30/01/2009
24162 - GI - Filing of Application - 30-01-2009 30/01/2009
25162 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 28-01-2009 28/01/2009

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