
Application Details

Application Number 215
Geographical Indications Dharmavaram Handloom Pattu Sarees and Paavadais
Status Registered
Applicant Name Dharmavaram Handloom Pattu Sarees Apex Society Limited
Applicant Address D.No.10-2-5, Behind Jayalakshmi Theatre, Dharmavaram Town & Mandal, Anantapur - 515671, Andhra Pradesh, India
Date of Filing 02/08/2010
Class 24 & 25
Goods Handicraft
Geographical Area Andhra Pradesh
Priority Country India
Journal Number 54
Availability Date 28/11/2013
Certificate Number 207
Certificate Date 31/03/2014
Registration Valid Upto 01/08/2030

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1215 - GI - Renewal Letter - 22-04-2022 22/04/2022
2215 - GI - Renewal Details - 03-08-2020 03/08/2020
3215 - GI - Renewal Notice - 25-11-2019 25/11/2019
4215 - Certificate of Registration - 31-03-2014 31/03/2014
5215 - GI - Journal Copy - 28-11-2013 28/11/2013
6215 - Reply to Examination Report - 05-11-2013 05/11/2013
7215 - GI - Extension of Time - 07-10-2013 07/10/2013
8215 - Examination Report - 29-07-2013 29/07/2013
9215 - GI - Attendance Sheet of CGM - 26-07-2013 26/07/2013
10215 - GI - Minutes of CGM - 26-07-2013 26/07/2013
11215 - GI - Summary of Application - 26-07-2013 26/07/2013
12215 - GI - Affidavit - 27-11-2012 27/11/2012
13215 - GI - Meeting of Consultative Group - 09-08-2011 09/08/2011
14215 - GI - Consultative Group Meeting - 02-08-2011 02/08/2011
15215 - GI - Meeting of Consultative Group - 27-07-2011 27/07/2011
16215 - GI - Submitted Note - 20-07-2011 20/07/2011
17215 - GI - Reply to FCR - Additional Representation - 06-07-2011 06/07/2011
18215 - GI - Reply to FCR - Annexure 1 - 06-07-2011 06/07/2011
19215 - GI - Reply to FCR - Annexure 2 - 06-07-2011 06/07/2011
20215 - Reply to FCR by Applicant - 06-07-2011 06/07/2011
21215 - Formality Check Report - 31-05-2011 31/05/2011
22215 - GI - Meeting of Consultative Group - 14-03-2011 14/03/2011
23215 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 02-08-2010 02/08/2010
24215 - Form GI-1 - 02-08-2010 02/08/2010
25215 - Statement of Case - 02-08-2010 02/08/2010
26215 - GI - Minutes - 12-10-2007 12/10/2007

Authorized User Details

Authorized User No
Authorized User Name
Authorized User Address
1AU/6914/GI/215/1Dharmavaram Handloom Pattu Sarees Apex Society LtdD.No.10-2-5, Behind Jayalakshmi Theatre, Dharmavaram Town & mandal Registered

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