
Application Details

Application Number 230
Geographical Indications Cognac
Status Registered
Applicant Name Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Cognac (BNIC)
Applicant Address 23, Allees du Champ de Mars,16100, Cognac, France.
Date of Filing 28/12/2010
Class 33
Goods Manufactured
Geographical Area France
Priority Country France
Journal Number 39
Availability Date 25/03/2011
Certificate Number 156
Certificate Date 18/08/2011
Registration Valid Upto 27/12/2030

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1230 - GI - Renewal Letter - 22-04-2022 22/04/2022
2230 - GI - Renewal Details - 20-12-2019 20/12/2019
3230 - GI - Renewal Notice - 25-11-2019 25/11/2019
4230 - Certificate of Registration - 18-08-2011 18/08/2011
5230 - GI - Journal Copy - 25-03-2011 25/03/2011
6230 - Form GI-1 - 28-12-2010 28/12/2010
7230 - GI - Application for Registration of GI COGNAC - 28-12-2010 28/12/2010
8230 - Additional Representation - 28-12-2010 28/12/2010
9230 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 28-12-2010 28/12/2010
10230 - Statement of Case - 28-12-2010 28/12/2010
11230 - GI - TERROIR - 28-12-2010 28/12/2010
12230 - GI - Application made by BNIC - 24-02-2010 24/02/2010


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