
Application Details

Application Number 238
Geographical Indications Madurai Malli
Status Registered
Applicant Name Madurai Malli Farmers Association
Applicant Address (Regn no. 23/201, Regd. Under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975), Kurinji Vattara Kalanjiyam, Door no.166, AEO Office Bank side, Palamedu Main Road, Alanganallur, Madurai - 625 501, Tamil Nadu, India.
Date of Filing 03/06/2011
Class 31
Goods Agriculture
Geographical Area Tamil Nadu
Priority Country India
Journal Number 45
Availability Date 11/09/2012
Certificate Number 181
Certificate Date 15/01/2013
Registration Valid Upto 02/06/2031

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1238 - GI - Renewal Details - 02-08-2021 02/08/2021
2238 - GI - Renewal Details - 15-02-2021 15/02/2021
3238 - Certificate of Registration - 26-03-2013 26/03/2013
4238 - GI - Journal Copy - 11-09-2012 11/09/2012
5238 - Reply to Examination Report - 27-02-2012 27/02/2012
6238 - Examination Report - 30-01-2012 30/01/2012
7238 - GI - Minutes of Consultative Group Meeting - 17-10-2011 17/10/2011
8238 - GI - Meeting of Consultative Group - 26-09-2011 26/09/2011
9238 - GI - CGM - Madurai Malli - 26-09-2011 26/09/2011
10238 - Reply to FCR by Applicant - 20-09-2011 20/09/2011
11238 - Formality Check Report - 05-08-2011 05/08/2011
12238 - GI - Enclosing Necessary Documents - 25-07-2011 25/07/2011
13238 - GI - logo - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011
14238 - Map - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011
15238 - Statement of Case - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011
16238 - GI - Annex 1 - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011
17238 - GI - Annex 2 - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011
18238 - GI - Annex 3 - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011
19238 - GI - Annex 4 - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011
20238 - GI - Annex 5 - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011
21238 - GI - Annex 5_6_7 - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011
22238 - GI - Annex 8 - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011
23238 - GI - Annex 9 - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011
24238 - GI - Covering Letter - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011
25238 - Form GI-1 - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011
26238 - Additional Representation - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011
27238 - Affidavit - 03-06-2011 03/06/2011

Authorized User Details

Authorized User No
Authorized User Name
Authorized User Address
1AU/7009/GI/238/1Smt. Ramani Ramachandran4.21/12 Park Town 1st Cross Street P an T NagarRegistered
