
Application Details

Application Number 251
Geographical Indications Žatecký chmel’
Status Registered
Applicant Name Svaz pěstitelů chmele Českė republiky
Applicant Address Svaz pěstitelů chmele Českė republiky, Mostecká 2580, CZ-438 19 Žatec, Czech Republic.
Date of Filing 28/11/2011
Class 31
Goods hop
Geographical Area Czech Republic
Priority Country Czech Republic
Journal Number 142
Availability Date 16/12/2020
Certificate Number 409
Certificate Date 14/09/2021
Registration Valid Upto 27/11/2031

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1251 - GI - Renewal Details - 25-11-2021 25/11/2021
2251 - GI - Renewal Notice - 29-10-2021 29/10/2021
3251 - Certificate of Registration - 14-09-2021 14/09/2021
4251 - GI - GI Journal Copy - 16-12-2020 16/12/2020
5251 - GI - Reply - 17-06-2020 17/06/2020
6251 - GI - Supporting Documents - 04-03-2020 04/03/2020
7251 - Examination Report - 10-08-2015 10/08/2015
8251 - GI - Minutes of CGM - 03-08-2015 03/08/2015
9251 - GI - Office Note of CGM - 17-07-2015 17/07/2015
10251 - GI - Meeting of Consultative Group - 19-10-2012 19/10/2012
11251 - GI - Meeting of Consultative Group - 21-09-2012 21/09/2012
12251 - Map - 07-02-2012 07/02/2012
13251 - Statement of Case - 07-02-2012 07/02/2012
14251 - GI - Proof - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011
15251 - Form GI-1 - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011
16251 - GI - Endorsment Letter - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011
17251 - GI - GI - 9 - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011

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