
Application Details

Application Number 269
Geographical Indications Sitia Lasithiou Kritis
Status Registered
Applicant Name Union of Agricultural Cooperative of Sitia Agricultural Partnership S. A
Applicant Address 1st km National Road Sitia-Ag Nikolaos, GR 72300 Sitia, Crete, Greece
Date of Filing 28/11/2011
Class 29
Goods Food Stuff
Geographical Area Greece
Priority Country Greece
Journal Number 182
Availability Date 31/10/2023
Certificate Number 561
Certificate Date 01/03/2024
Registration Valid Upto 27/11/2021

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1269 - Certificate of Registration - 01-03-2024 01/03/2024
2269 - GI - Journal Copy - 31-10-2023 31/10/2023
3269 - GI - Supporting Documents - 25-08-2021 25/08/2021
4269 - GI - Supporting Documents - 16-08-2021 16/08/2021
5269 - Reply to Examination Report - 03-03-2021 03/03/2021
6269 - GI - Hearing Notice - 28-01-2021 28/01/2021
7269 - Reply to Examination Report - 02-03-2020 02/03/2020
8269 - GI - Reply ER Part -1 - 30-12-2019 30/12/2019
9269 - Examination Report - 10-08-2015 10/08/2015
10269 - GI - Minutes of CGM - 03-08-2015 03/08/2015
11269 - GI - Office Note of CGM - 17-07-2015 17/07/2015
12269 - GI - Attendance Sheet of CGM - 30-10-2012 30/10/2012
13269 - GI - Meeting of Consultative Group - 19-10-2012 19/10/2012
14269 - GI - Meeting of Consultative Group - 21-09-2012 21/09/2012
15269 - Map - 26-03-2012 26/03/2012
16269 - Statement of Case - 26-03-2012 26/03/2012
17269 - GI - Form GI-9 - 26-03-2012 26/03/2012
18269 - GI - Letter Enclosing Necessary Documents - 26-03-2012 26/03/2012
19269 - Form GI-1 - 26-03-2012 26/03/2012
20269 - GI - Endorsment Letter - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011

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