
Application Details

Application Number 333
Geographical Indications Brie de Meaux
Status Examination
Applicant Name Union Interprofessionnelle de Défense du Brie de Meaux
Applicant Address Union Interprofessionnelle de Défense du Brie de Meaux 13 rue des Fossées, 77000 Melun, France
Date of Filing 28/11/2011
Class 29
Goods Soft Cheese
Geographical Area France
Priority Country FRANCE
Journal Number
Availability Date 01/01/1900
Certificate Number
Certificate Date 01/01/1900
Registration Valid Upto

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1333 - GI - Notice - Non Completion of Registration - 19-01-2021 19/01/2021
2333 - Examination Report - 10-08-2015 10/08/2015
3333 - GI - Minutes of CGM - 03-08-2015 03/08/2015
4333 - GI - Office Note of CGM - 17-07-2015 17/07/2015
5333 - Form GI-1 - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011
6333 - GI - GI - 9 - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011
7333 - GI - Proof - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011

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