
Application Details

Application Number 345
Geographical Indications Irish Whiskey
Status Registered
Applicant Name Irish Whiskey Association
Applicant Address Irish Whiskey Association, 84/86 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2,Ireland
Date of Filing 28/11/2011
Class 33
Goods Spirits
Geographical Area Ireland
Priority Country IRELAND
Journal Number 121
Availability Date 26/04/2019
Certificate Number 355
Certificate Date 28/08/2019
Registration Valid Upto 27/11/2031

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1345 - GI - Renewal Letter - 22-04-2022 22/04/2022
2345 - GI - Renewal Details - 25-06-2021 25/06/2021
3345 - GI - Renewal Details - 23-04-2021 23/04/2021
4345 - Certificate of Registration - 28-08-2019 28/08/2019
5345 - GI - Journal Copy - 26-04-2019 26/04/2019
6345 - GI - Reply Part-1 - 20-02-2019 20/02/2019
7345 - GI - Reply Part-2 - 20-02-2019 20/02/2019
8345 - GI - Reply Part-3 - 20-02-2019 20/02/2019
9345 - GI - Reply Part-4 - 20-02-2019 20/02/2019
10345 - GI - Reply Part-5 - 20-02-2019 20/02/2019
11345 - GI - Reply Part-6 - 20-02-2019 20/02/2019
12345 - GI - Reply Part-7 - 20-02-2019 20/02/2019
13345 - GI - Reply Part-8 - 20-02-2019 20/02/2019
14345 - GI - Reply Part-9 - 20-02-2019 20/02/2019
15345 - GI - Reply Part-10 - 20-02-2019 20/02/2019
16345 - GI - Reply Part-11 - 20-02-2019 20/02/2019
17345 - GI - Form GI-1 - 20-02-2019 20/02/2019
18345 - GI - Form GI -10 Authorization - 21-08-2018 21/08/2018
19345 - GI - No Objection Certificate - 27-11-2017 27/11/2017
20345 - Examination Report - 10-08-2015 10/08/2015
21345 - GI - Minutes of CGM - 05-08-2015 05/08/2015
22345 - GI - Office Note of CGM - 17-07-2015 17/07/2015
23345 - Form GI-1 - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011
24345 - GI - Endorsment Letter - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011
25345 - GI - GI - 9 - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011
26345 - GI - Proof - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011
27345 - GI - Proof1 - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011

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