
Application Details

Application Number 367
Geographical Indications Lambrusco di Sorbara
Status Registered
Applicant Name Consorzio Tutela del Lambrusco di Modena
Applicant Address Consorzio Tutela del Lambrusco di Modena
Date of Filing 28/11/2011
Class 33
Goods Manufactured
Geographical Area Italy
Priority Country Italy
Journal Number 132
Availability Date 13/03/2020
Certificate Number 380
Certificate Date 14/09/2021
Registration Valid Upto 27/11/2031

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1367 - GI - Renewal Details - 26-11-2021 26/11/2021
2367 - GI - Renewal Notice - 29-10-2021 29/10/2021
3367 - Certificate of Registration - 14-09-2021 14/09/2021
4367 - GI - Journal Copy - 13-03-2020 13/03/2020
5367 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 27-01-2020 27/01/2020
6367 - GI - Reply ER Part -1 - 23-12-2019 23/12/2019
7367 - Examination Report - 10-08-2015 10/08/2015
8367 - GI - Minutes of CGM - 05-08-2015 05/08/2015
9367 - GI - Office Note of CGM - 17-07-2015 17/07/2015
10367 - Form GI-1 - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011
11367 - GI - Endorsement Letter - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011
12367 - GI - GI - 9 - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011
13367 - GI - Proof - 28-11-2011 28/11/2011

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