
Application Details

Application Number 373
Geographical Indications Moirang Phee
Status Registered
Applicant Name Department of Commerce & Industries
Applicant Address Department of Commerce & Industries, Government of Manipur, Lamphelpat, Imphal - 795 004, Manipur, India
Date of Filing 19/12/2011
Class 25
Goods Handicraft
Geographical Area Manipur
Priority Country India
Journal Number 55
Availability Date 29/11/2013
Certificate Number 213
Certificate Date 31/03/2014
Registration Valid Upto 18/12/2021

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1373 - GI - Renewal Details - 15-02-2021 15/02/2021
2373 - Certificate of Registration - 31-03-2014 31/03/2014
3373 - Reply to Examination Report - 05-12-2013 05/12/2013
4373 - GI - Journal Copy - 29-11-2013 29/11/2013
5373 - Examination Report - 23-11-2013 23/11/2013
6373 - GI - Attendance Sheet of CGM - 19-11-2013 19/11/2013
7373 - GI - Minutes of Reconvened CGM - 19-11-2013 19/11/2013
8373 - GI - Revised Application - 26-12-2012 26/12/2012
9373 - GI - Submission of Remedy of Deficiencies - 26-06-2012 26/06/2012
10373 - Formality Check Report - 10-05-2012 10/05/2012
11373 - Form GI-1 - 19-12-2011 19/12/2011
12373 - GI - Description of Application 1 - 19-12-2011 19/12/2011
13373 - GI - Description of Application 2 - 19-12-2011 19/12/2011
14373 - GI - Description of Application 3 - 19-12-2011 19/12/2011
15373 - Additional Representation - 19-12-2011 19/12/2011
16373 - Affidavit - 19-12-2011 19/12/2011

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