
Application Details

Application Number 387
Geographical Indications Bastar Dhokra (Logo)
Status Registered
Applicant Name Chhattisgarh Hastshilp Vikas Board
Applicant Address C-35, Ravi Nagar, Behind Collectorate, Raipur - 492001, Chhattisgarh, India
Date of Filing 05/11/2012
Class 6, 21
Goods Handicraft
Geographical Area Chhattisgarh
Priority Country India
Journal Number 51
Availability Date 30/09/2013
Certificate Number 197
Certificate Date 03/02/2014
Registration Valid Upto

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1387 - GI - Renewal Notice - 18-11-2021 18/11/2021
2387 - Certificate of Registration - 03-02-2014 03/02/2014
3387 - GI - Journal Copy - 30-09-2013 30/09/2013
4387 - GI - Reply to ER - Annexure A - 22-05-2013 22/05/2013
5387 - GI - Reply to ER - Annexure B - 22-05-2013 22/05/2013
6387 - GI - Reply to ER - Annexure C - 22-05-2013 22/05/2013
7387 - GI - Reply to ER - Annexure D - 22-05-2013 22/05/2013
8387 - Reply to Examination Report - 22-05-2013 22/05/2013
9387 - Examination Report - 28-02-2013 28/02/2013
10387 - Formality Check Report - 11-02-2013 11/02/2013
11387 - GI - 1 BASTAR DHOKRA (Logo) - 05-11-2012 05/11/2012
12387 - GI - 2 BASTAR DHOKRA (Logo) - 05-11-2012 05/11/2012
13387 - GI - BASTAR DHOKRA (Logo) - 05-11-2012 05/11/2012
14387 - Form GI-1 - 05-11-2012 05/11/2012
15387 - Statement of Case - 05-11-2012 05/11/2012
16387 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 05-11-2012 05/11/2012
17387 - GI - COVERING LETTER - 05-11-2012 05/11/2012
18387 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 27-08-2012 27/08/2012
19387 - GI - COPY OF FEE PAYMENT CHEQUE - 27-08-2012 27/08/2012

Authorized User Details

Authorized User No
Authorized User Name
Authorized User Address
1AU/7284/GI/387/1Trifed, Regional Office, Raipur, Ministry of Tribal AffairsHouse No. Ashirwad Bhawan, Plot No. 7, 1st Floor, Behind Mata Garage, In front of Jai Bhole Complex, Pandri

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