
Application Details

Application Number 418
Geographical Indications Jhajjar Pottery
Status Abandoned
Applicant Name Shri. P.K. Khullar, Regional Director Handicrafts (North Region)
Applicant Address Office of DC (Handicrafts), Northern Region, West Block No.8, R.K. Puram, New Delhi, India, 110066.
Date of Filing 16/05/2013
Class 21
Goods Handicraft
Geographical Area Haryana
Priority Country India
Journal Number
Availability Date
Certificate Number
Certificate Date
Registration Valid Upto

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1418 - GI - Order - 14-08-2017 14/08/2017
2418 - GI - Hearing Notice - 26-07-2017 26/07/2017
3418 - GI - Extension of Time - 12-09-2014 12/09/2014
4418 - GI - Extension of Time - 11-08-2014 11/08/2014
5418 - Examination Report - 18-06-2014 18/06/2014
6418 - GI - Attendance Sheet of CGM - 13-05-2014 13/05/2014
7418 - GI - Meeting of CG - 06-05-2014 06/05/2014
8418 - GI - Reply to FCR - Annexure - 23-12-2013 23/12/2013
9418 - Reply to FCR by Applicant - 23-12-2013 23/12/2013
10418 - GI - Extension of Time - 21-11-2013 21/11/2013
11418 - Formality Check Report - 18-10-2013 18/10/2013
12418 - Form GI-1 - 16-05-2013 16/05/2013
13418 - Additional Representation - 16-05-2013 16/05/2013
14418 - Affidavit - 16-05-2013 16/05/2013
15418 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 16-05-2013 16/05/2013
16418 - Statement of Case - 16-05-2013 16/05/2013
17418 - Map - 16-05-2013 16/05/2013

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