
Application Details

Application Number 43
Geographical Indications Peruvian Pisco
Status Registered
Applicant Name Embassy of Peru
Applicant Address Ambassador of peru of India, No.14, poori Marg, GF, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi - ll0 057
Date of Filing 29/09/2005
Class 33
Goods Manufactured
Geographical Area Peru
Priority Country Peru
Journal Number 13
Availability Date 18/09/2006
Certificate Number 118
Certificate Date 19/03/2009
Registration Valid Upto 28/09/2025

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
143 - GI - Form 7A - 08-07-2019 08/07/2019
243 - GI - Copy Application - 10-05-2019 10/05/2019
343 - GI - Form - 7 A - 08-05-2019 08/05/2019
443 - GI - Order of Honorable IPAB - 28-02-2019 28/02/2019
543 - GI - Reply to Renewal Notice (Form GI-4) - 24-08-2015 24/08/2015
643 - GI - Renewal Notice - 05-01-2015 05/01/2015
743 - GI - Certificate Map - 19-03-2010 19/03/2010
843 - Certificate of Registration - 19-03-2010 19/03/2010
943 - GI - Journal Copy - 01-08-2006 01/08/2006
1043 - Constitution of Consultative Group - 24-02-2006 24/02/2006
1143 - GI - statement - 24-02-2006 24/02/2006
1243 - Examination Report - 28-12-2005 28/12/2005
1343 - Examination Report - 22-12-2005 22/12/2005
1443 - GI - Meeting of Consultative Group - 12-12-2005 12/12/2005
1543 - GI - Minutes CGM - 12-12-2005 12/12/2005
1643 - Constitution of Consultative Group - 08-12-2005 08/12/2005
1743 - GI - cgm - 08-12-2005 08/12/2005
1843 - GI - cgmdoc1 - 08-12-2005 08/12/2005
1943 - GI - cgmdoc2 - 07-12-2005 07/12/2005
2043 - GI - cgmdoc1 - 07-12-2005 07/12/2005
2143 - GI - cgm - 07-12-2005 07/12/2005
2243 - Form GI-1 - 29-09-2005 29/09/2005
2343 - GI - Annex - 29-09-2005 29/09/2005
2443 - Map - 29-09-2005 29/09/2005
2543 - Statement of Case - 29-09-2005 29/09/2005
2643 - GI - picture - 29-09-2005 29/09/2005
2743 - Affidavit - 29-09-2005 29/09/2005

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