
Application Details

Application Number 519
Geographical Indications Pokaran Pottery
Status Registered
Applicant Name M/s. Kumbhkar Hasthkala Vikas Samiti
Applicant Address Falsund Road, Near Police Chowki, Pokaran, District: Jaisalmer - 345201, Rajasthan, India.
Date of Filing 19/01/2015
Class 21
Goods Handicraft
Geographical Area Rajasthan
Priority Country India
Journal Number 101
Availability Date 28/03/2018
Certificate Number 307
Certificate Date 28/03/2018
Registration Valid Upto 18/01/2025

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1519 - Certificate of Registration - 18-05-2018 18/05/2018
2519 - GI - Journal Copy - 28-11-2017 28/11/2017
3519 - GI - Amended GI Application - 30-05-2017 30/05/2017
4519 - Reply to Examination Report - 23-05-2016 23/05/2016
5519 - Reply to FCR by Applicant - 02-05-2016 02/05/2016
6519 - GI - Reply to FCR - Handicrafts of India - 02-05-2016 02/05/2016
7519 - GI - Reply to FCR - Handicrafts of Rajasthan - 02-05-2016 02/05/2016
8519 - GI - Reply to FCR - Map - 02-05-2016 02/05/2016
9519 - GI - Reply to FCR - Pottery in Rajasthan - 02-05-2016 02/05/2016
10519 - GI - Reply to FCR - Pottery of Rajasthan - 02-05-2016 02/05/2016
11519 - GI - Revised Application - 26-11-2015 26/11/2015
12519 - Examination Report - 22-09-2015 22/09/2015
13519 - Reply to FCR by Applicant - 22-06-2015 22/06/2015
14519 - Formality Check Report - 31-03-2015 31/03/2015
15519 - GI - Annexure - C and D - 19-01-2015 19/01/2015
16519 - GI - Annexure - E - 19-01-2015 19/01/2015
17519 - GI - Annexure - F - 19-01-2015 19/01/2015
18519 - GI - Annexure - G - 19-01-2015 19/01/2015
19519 - GI - Annexure - H - 19-01-2015 19/01/2015
20519 - GI - Annexure - I - 19-01-2015 19/01/2015
21519 - GI - Annexure - J - 19-01-2015 19/01/2015
22519 - GI - Annexure - K - 19-01-2015 19/01/2015
23519 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 19-01-2015 19/01/2015
24519 - Form GI-1 - 19-01-2015 19/01/2015
25519 - Statement of Case - 19-01-2015 19/01/2015

Authorized User Details

Authorized User No
Authorized User Name
Authorized User Address
1AU / 2088 / GI /519 / 1Shri. Satyanarayan Prajapat, Kumbhkar Hasthkala Vikas SamitiFalsund Road, Near Police Chowki, Pokaran

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