
Application Details

Application Number 546
Geographical Indications Mysore Sandal Soap-Logo merged with GI 30
Status Merged
Applicant Name Karnataka Soaps & Detergents Limited, (A Govt of Karnataka Undertaking)
Applicant Address P.B. No. 5531, Bengaluru - Pune Highway Rajajinagar,Bengaluru - 560 055, Karnataka, India
Date of Filing 15/04/2016
Class 3
Goods Manufactured Goods
Geographical Area Karnataka
Priority Country India
Journal Number 118
Availability Date 29/03/2019
Certificate Number
Certificate Date
Registration Valid Upto

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1546 - GI - Office Note - 20-03-2019 20/03/2019
2546 - GI - Reply to FCR by Applicant - (1) - 14-07-2016 14/07/2016
3546 - GI - Revised Map - 14-07-2016 14/07/2016
4546 - Reply to FCR by Applicant - 27-06-2016 27/06/2016
5546 - Formality Check Report - 25-05-2016 25/05/2016
6546 - Form GI-1 - 15-04-2016 15/04/2016
7546 - Affidavit - 15-04-2016 15/04/2016
8546 - Additional Representation - 15-04-2016 15/04/2016
9546 - GI - Receipt - 15-04-2016 15/04/2016
10546 - GI - Annexure - 15-04-2016 15/04/2016
11546 - GI - Index - 15-04-2016 15/04/2016

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