
Application Details

Application Number 558
Geographical Indications Boka Chaul
Status Registered
Applicant Name 1.Lotus Progressive Centre (LPC), 2.Centre for Environment Education (CEE).
Applicant Address 1.Morowa, Nalbari - 781348, Assam, India,2.CEE North East, KK Bhatta Road, Chenikuthi, Guwahati - 781003, Assam, India.
Date of Filing 25/07/2016
Class 30
Goods Agriculture
Geographical Area Assam
Priority Country India
Journal Number 104
Availability Date 28/03/2018
Certificate Number 322
Certificate Date 30/07/2018
Registration Valid Upto 24/07/2026

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1558 - Certificate of Registration - 30-07-2018 30/07/2018
2558 - GI - Journal Copy - 28-03-2018 28/03/2018
3558 - Reply to Examination Report - 05-03-2018 05/03/2018
4558 - Reply to FCR by Applicant - 15-09-2016 15/09/2016
5558 - Formality Check Report - 11-08-2016 11/08/2016
6558 - Form GI-1 - 25-07-2016 25/07/2016
7558 - Statement of Case - 25-07-2016 25/07/2016
8558 - Affidavit - 25-07-2016 25/07/2016
9558 - GI - Annex - A - 25-07-2016 25/07/2016
10558 - GI - Annex - B - 25-07-2016 25/07/2016
11558 - GI - Memorandum of Understanding - 25-07-2016 25/07/2016
12558 - GI - Memorandum of Association - 1 - 25-07-2016 25/07/2016
13558 - GI - Memorandum of Association - 2 - 25-07-2016 25/07/2016
14558 - GI - Receipt - 25-07-2016 25/07/2016

Authorized User Details

Authorized User No
Authorized User Name
Authorized User Address
1AU/7105/GI/558/1Trifed, Ministry of Tribal affairs, RO GuwahatiHouse No.3, 1st floor, behind hotel shiva, UlubariRegistered
2AU/30990/GI/558/2Cyber SpaceSesapukhuri Gaon, Post: Botamora, P.S: MoranhatRegistered
3AU/34243/GI/558/3Parismita BorahSesapukhuri Gaon, Post: Botmora, P.S: Moranhat


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