
Application Details

Application Number 625
Geographical Indications Idu Mishmi Textiles
Status Registered
Applicant Name Idu Mishmi Cultural and Literary Society (IMCLS)
Applicant Address Office of the IMCLS, Po/Ps. Roing, District: Lower Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, India.
Date of Filing 09/10/2018
Class 25
Goods Textiles
Geographical Area Arunachal Pradesh
Priority Country India
Journal Number 121
Availability Date 26/04/2019
Certificate Number 357
Certificate Date 27/08/2019
Registration Valid Upto 08/10/2028

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1625 - GI - Quality Parameters - 24-02-2020 24/02/2020
2625 - Certificate of Registration - 27-08-2019 27/08/2019
3625 - GI - Journal Copy - 26-04-2019 26/04/2019
4625 - GI - ER Reply & Amended Application - 23-04-2019 23/04/2019
5625 - Reply to Examination Report - 10-04-2019 10/04/2019
6625 - Examination Report - 18-02-2019 18/02/2019
7625 - Reply to FCR by Applicant - 06-12-2018 06/12/2018
8625 - Formality Check Report - 17-10-2018 17/10/2018
9625 - GI - Society Details - 09-10-2018 09/10/2018
10625 - Affidavit - 09-10-2018 09/10/2018
11625 - GI - Annexure - 1 - 09-10-2018 09/10/2018
12625 - GI - Annexure - 2 - 09-10-2018 09/10/2018
13625 - GI - Annexure - 3 - 09-10-2018 09/10/2018
14625 - GI - Annexure - 4 - 09-10-2018 09/10/2018
15625 - Form GI-1 - 09-10-2018 09/10/2018

Authorized User Details

Authorized User No
Authorized User Name
Authorized User Address
1AU/6628/GI/625/1Smt. Athupi Aprawe W/o Shri. Jotin LinggiEzengo, Post: RoingRegistered
2AU/6629/GI/625/2Smt. Seema Mena D/o Shri. Late Akine MenaCheta II, Post: RoingRegistered
3AU/6630/GI/625/3Smt. Apowe Mega W/o Shri. Pailo MeleCheta II, Post: RoingRegistered
4AU/6631/GI/625/4Smt. Rima Meto W/o Shri. Emumi MegaAbango, Post: RoingRegistered
5AU/6632/GI/625/5Smt. Juli Elapra D/o Shri. Late Tamuge ElapraCheta I, Post: RoingRegistered
6AU/6633/GI/625/6Smt. Jine Tacho W/o Shri. Japani MetoMayu II, Post: RoingRegistered
7AU/6634/GI/625/7Smt. Ngami Mito S/o Shri. Jibon MitoMayu II, Post: RoingRegistered
8AU/6635/GI/625/8Smt. Lipi Meto W/o Shri. Goka MihuMayu II, Post: RoingRegistered
9AU/6636/GI/625/9Smt. Jisi Linggi W/o Shri. Narmu MitoCheta I, Post: RoingRegistered
10AU/6637/GI/625/10Smt. Meane Megha W/o Shri. Mela KecheKoronu, Post: RoingRegistered
11AU/6638/GI/625/11Smt. Soni Umpo W/o Shri. Lokhi MegaKoronu, Post: RoingRegistered
12AU/6639/GI/625/12Smt. Reshma Linggi Miyi W/o Shri. Anand MiyiMayu II, Post: RoingRegistered
13AU/6640/GI/625/13Smt. Kariyam Linggi W/o Shri. Somy KecheAbango, Post: RoingRegistered
14AU/6641/GI/625/14Smt. Iyang Mena W/o Shri. Huchi ManoMayu II, Post: RoingRegistered
15AU/6642/GI/625/15Smt. Sampi Mega D/o Shri. Mona MegaAbango, Post: RoingRegistered
16AU/6643/GI/625/16Smt. Mila Umbey W/o Shri. Emule MegaAbango, Post: RoingRegistered
17AU/6644/GI/625/17Smt. Mary Mena W/o Shri. Nanai MenaBizari, Post: DambukRegistered
18AU/6645/GI/625/18Smt. Mana Meto D/o Shri. Undi MetoCheta I, Post: RoingRegistered
19AU/6646/GI/625/19Smt. Runa Pulu W/o Shri. Rajeta MepoKoronu, Post: RoingRegistered
20AU/6647/GI/625/20Smt. Anili Umbey W/o Shri. Basi UmbeyBizari, Post: DambukRegistered
21AU/6648/GI/625/21Smt. Nene Umbey W/o Shri. Tarun UmbeyBizari, Post: DambukRegistered
22AU/6649/GI/625/22Smt. Juna Umbrey D/o Shri. Akin UmbreyMayu II, Post: RoingRegistered
23AU/6650/GI/625/23Smt. Robiti Mikhu D/o Shri. Mango MikhuMayu II, Post: RoingRegistered
24AU/6651/GI/625/24Smt. Ene Pulu D/o Shri. Athuko PuluKoronu, Post: RoingRegistered
25AU/6652/GI/625/25Smt. Disiya Linggi D/o Shri. Sakole LinggiInjonu, Post: RoingRegistered
26AU/6653/GI/625/26Smt. Bobita Umbey W/o Shri. Atudu UmbeyBizari, Post: RoingRegistered
27AU/6654/GI/625/27Smt. Meghali Linggi W/o Shri. Kirti LinggiBizari, Post: RoingRegistered
28AU/6655/GI/625/28Smt. Mamane Mena W/o Shri. Angore MenaBizari, Post: RoingRegistered
29AU/6656/GI/625/29Smt. Jina Linggi W/o Shri. Ate TapoEzengo, Post: RoingRegistered
30AU/6657/GI/625/30Smt. Mili Pulu D/o Shri. Athuko PuluKoronu, Post: RoingRegistered
31AU/6658/GI/625/31Smt. Aichu Mimi W/o Shri. Munga MimiEzengo, Post: RoingRegistered
32AU/6659/GI/625/32Smt. Basanti Mimi W/o Shri. Tika MimiCheta I, Post: RoingRegistered
33AU/6660/GI/625/33Smt. Jure Mepo W/o Shri. Kolom MepoDampuk, Post: DambkRegistered
34AU/6661/GI/625/34Smt. Anita Pulu W/o Shri. Ane PuluAohali, Post: PasighatRegistered

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