
Application Details

Application Number 644
Geographical Indications Pithora
Status Registered
Applicant Name Pithora – GI
Applicant Address C/o. Rathva Kamliben Sukhrambhai, Rani Bungalow Compound, AT. PO. TA., District: Chhotaudaipur - 391 165, Gujarat, India
Date of Filing 23/01/2019
Class 2,19
Goods Handicraft
Geographical Area Gujarat
Priority Country India
Journal Number 136
Availability Date 22/05/2020
Certificate Number 385
Certificate Date 14/09/2021
Registration Valid Upto 22/01/2029

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1644 - Certificate of Registration - 14-09-2021 14/09/2021
2644 - GI - Letter - 08-02-2021 08/02/2021
3644 - GI - Supporting Documents - 12-10-2020 12/10/2020
4644 - GI - Map - 05-10-2020 05/10/2020
5644 - GI - Reply - 27-05-2020 27/05/2020
6644 - GI - Journal Copy - 22-05-2020 22/05/2020
7644 - GI - Journal 136 - 22-05-2020 22/05/2020
8644 - GI - Amended Application - 20-03-2020 20/03/2020
9644 - GI - Reply - 18-03-2020 18/03/2020
10644 - GI - Supporting Documents - 11-03-2020 11/03/2020
11644 - GI - Renewal Details - 18-12-2019 18/12/2019
12644 - Examination Report - 15-10-2019 15/10/2019
13644 - Reply to FCR by Applicant - 22-08-2019 22/08/2019
14644 - GI - Form GI-9C - 03-06-2019 03/06/2019
15644 - GI - Form GI-9C - 01-05-2019 01/05/2019
16644 - GI - Form GI-9C - 26-03-2019 26/03/2019
17644 - Formality Check Report - 19-02-2019 19/02/2019
18644 - Form GI-1 - 23-01-2019 23/01/2019
19644 - Statement of Case - 23-01-2019 23/01/2019
20644 - GI - Association Details - 23-01-2019 23/01/2019


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