
Application Details

Application Number 690
Geographical Indications Odisha Khajuri Guda
Status Registered
Applicant Name Odisha Rajya Talgur Samabaya Sangha Limited (ORTSS)
Applicant Address Talgur Bhawan, Udyogpuri, Khandagiri, District: Bhubaneswar - 751030, Odisha, India
Date of Filing 12/06/2020
Class 30
Goods Food Stuff
Geographical Area Odisha
Priority Country India
Journal Number 178
Availability Date 31/08/2023
Certificate Number 531
Certificate Date 02/01/2024
Registration Valid Upto 11/06/2030

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1690 - Certificate of Registration - 02-01-2024 02/01/2024
2690 - GI - Journal Copy - 31-08-2023 31/08/2023
3690 - Reply to Examination Report - 03-04-2023 03/04/2023
4690 - Examination Report - 26-12-2022 26/12/2022
5690 - GI - CGM Notice - 14-11-2022 14/11/2022
6690 - GI - FCR Reply Part - 1 - 20-07-2020 20/07/2020
7690 - GI - FCR Reply Part - 2 - 20-07-2020 20/07/2020
8690 - Formality Check Report - 18-06-2020 18/06/2020
9690 - Form GI-1 - 12-06-2020 12/06/2020
10690 - GI - Annexure -B - 12-06-2020 12/06/2020
11690 - GI - Annexure -D - 12-06-2020 12/06/2020
12690 - GI - Annexure -E & F - 12-06-2020 12/06/2020
13690 - GI - Annexure -G, H & I - 12-06-2020 12/06/2020

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