
Application Details

Application Number 812
Geographical Indications Sawantwadi Ganjifa Cards
Status Registered
Applicant Name Ganjifa Art Association of Sawantwadi
Applicant Address E1 Ward, The Palace, Khaskilwadi, Sindhudurg, Maharashtra, India, 416510
Date of Filing 10/01/2022
Class 16
Goods Handi Crafts
Geographical Area Maharashtra
Priority Country India
Journal Number 179
Availability Date 15/09/2023
Certificate Number 548
Certificate Date
Registration Valid Upto

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1812 - Certificate of Registration - 16-01-2024 16/01/2024
2812 - GI - Journal Copy - 15-09-2023 15/09/2023
3812 - GI - Reply to Examination Report Reply Part- 2 - 14-08-2023 14/08/2023
4812 - Reply to Examination Report - 03-08-2023 03/08/2023
5812 - GI - Association Details - 03-08-2023 03/08/2023
6812 - GI - Gazetteer Documents - 03-08-2023 03/08/2023
7812 - Examination Report - 31-05-2023 31/05/2023
8812 - GI - CGM Notice - 17-02-2023 17/02/2023
9812 - GI - Reply Society Registration Details and Affidavit - 14-11-2022 14/11/2022
10812 - Reply to FCR by Applicant - 09-11-2022 09/11/2022
11812 - GI - Association Registration Certificate - 31-05-2022 31/05/2022
12812 - Formality Check Report - 07-04-2022 07/04/2022
13812 - Form GI-1 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
14812 - Statement of Case - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
15812 - Additional Representation - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
16812 - GI - Affidavit -1 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
17812 - GI - Affidavit -2 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
18812 - GI - Affidavit -3 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
19812 - GI - Affidavit -4 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
20812 - GI - Affidavit -5 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
21812 - GI - Affidavit -6 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
22812 - GI - Affidavit -7 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
23812 - GI - Affidavit -8 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
24812 - GI - Affidavit -9 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
25812 - GI - Affidavit -10 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
26812 - GI - Affidavit -11 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
27812 - GI - Affidavit -12 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
28812 - GI - Affidavit -13 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
29812 - GI - Affidavit -14 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
30812 - GI - Affidavit -15 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
31812 - GI - Affidavit -16 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
32812 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
33812 - GI - Power of Attorney - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
34812 - GI - Annexure -2 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
35812 - GI - Annexure -3 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
36812 - GI - Annexure -4 Part-1 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
37812 - GI - Annexure - 4 Part-2 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
38812 - GI - Annexure - 5 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
39812 - GI - Annexure - 6 - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
40812 - GI - Society Registration Fee Details - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
41812 - GI - Logo - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022
42812 - GI - Geographical area - 10-01-2022 10/01/2022

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