1 | 875 - GI - Additional Reply - 05-08-2024 | 05/08/2024 | |
2 | 875 - GI - Notice - 08-02-2024 | 08/02/2024 | |
3 | 875 - Reply to FCR by Applicant - 12-07-2023 | 12/07/2023 | |
4 | 875 - GI - Annexure- 3 Statement of Case - 12-07-2023 | 12/07/2023 | |
5 | 875 - GI - Annexure- 2 Memorandum of Association - 12-07-2023 | 12/07/2023 | |
6 | 875 - GI - Annexure - 4 Description of Goods with Historical importance - 12-07-2023 | 12/07/2023 | |
7 | 875 - GI - Annexure- 5 List of Members - 12-07-2023 | 12/07/2023 | |
8 | 875 - GI - Annexure- 6 Map - 12-07-2023 | 12/07/2023 | |
9 | 875 - GI - List of Governing Body - 12-07-2023 | 12/07/2023 | |
10 | 875 - GI - Project Report - 12-07-2023 | 12/07/2023 | |
11 | 875 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 12-07-2023 | 12/07/2023 | |
12 | 875 - Formality Check Report - 30-06-2022 | 30/06/2022 | |
13 | 875 - GI - Associations and Members Details - 19-04-2022 | 19/04/2022 | |
14 | 875 - Map - 19-04-2022 | 19/04/2022 | |
15 | 875 - Statement of Case - 19-04-2022 | 19/04/2022 | |
16 | 875 - GI - Affidavits - 19-04-2022 | 19/04/2022 | |
17 | 875 - GI - Annexures -1 to 5 - 19-04-2022 | 19/04/2022 | |
18 | 875 - GI - Annexures - 6 to 11 - 19-04-2022 | 19/04/2022 | |
19 | 875 - GI - Affidavits part- 2 - 19-04-2022 | 19/04/2022 | |
20 | 875 - GI - Memorandum and Articles of Association - 19-04-2022 | 19/04/2022 | |
21 | 875 - GI - Map of Ward No 49 and 50 of Kolkata - 19-04-2022 | 19/04/2022 | |
22 | 875 - Form GI-1 - 19-04-2022 | 19/04/2022 | |