
Application Details

Application Number 89
Geographical Indications Budithi Bell & Brass Metal Craft
Status Registered
Applicant Name Sri Vijayadurga Kanchu Ithadi Panivarala Sangham Society
Applicant Address Sri Vijayadurga Kanchu Ithadi Panivarala Sangham Society, Budhithi Village, Saravakota Mandal, Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh - 532 427.
Date of Filing 16/04/2007
Class 6
Goods Handicraft
Geographical Area Andhra Pradesh
Priority Country India
Journal Number Supp2
Availability Date 26/05/2008
Certificate Number 88
Certificate Date 09/09/2008
Registration Valid Upto 15/04/2027

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
189 - GI - Renewal Notice - 30-01-2017 30/01/2017
289 - Certificate of Registration - 09-09-2008 09/09/2008
389 - GI - Certificate Map - 09-09-2008 09/09/2008
489 - GI - Journal Copy - 26-05-2008 26/05/2008
589 - Examination Report - 18-03-2008 18/03/2008
689 - GI - Nift - 21-11-2007 21/11/2007
789 - GI - Minutes cgm - 23-10-2007 23/10/2007
889 - GI - CGM - 17-10-2007 17/10/2007
989 - GI - CGM1 - 16-10-2007 16/10/2007
1089 - GI - CGM - 16-10-2007 16/10/2007
1189 - Constitution of Consultative Group - 16-10-2007 16/10/2007
1289 - GI - CGM - 12-10-2007 12/10/2007
1389 - Reply to FCR by Applicant - 06-07-2007 06/07/2007
1489 - Formality Check Report - 11-05-2007 11/05/2007
1589 - GI - Certificate - 16-04-2007 16/04/2007
1689 - Form GI-1 - 16-04-2007 16/04/2007
1789 - Additional Representation - 16-04-2007 16/04/2007
1889 - Affidavit - 16-04-2007 16/04/2007
1989 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 16-04-2007 16/04/2007
2089 - GI - Form C Certificate of Registration of Trade Union - 16-04-2007 16/04/2007
2189 - Map - 16-04-2007 16/04/2007
2289 - Statement of Case - 16-04-2007 16/04/2007

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