
Application Details

Application Number 969
Geographical Indications Jou Gishi
Status Registered
Applicant Name Bodo Geographical Indication (G.I) Board
Applicant Address Ward No. 5, Tengapara, Kokrajhar, Bodo Territorial Region, Assam, India, 783 370
Date of Filing 29/08/2022
Class 33
Goods Manufactured Goods
Geographical Area Assam
Priority Country India
Journal Number 191
Availability Date 31/05/2024
Certificate Number 649
Certificate Date 01/10/2024
Registration Valid Upto 28/08/2032

Document Details

Document Name
Document Date
1969 - Certificate of Registration - 01-10-2024 01/10/2024
2969 - Affidavit - 03-11-2023 03/11/2023
3969 - GI - Association Details - 03-11-2023 03/11/2023
4969 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 03-11-2023 03/11/2023
5969 - Reply to Examination Report - 19-10-2023 19/10/2023
6969 - GI - Annexure -1 Amended Application - 19-10-2023 19/10/2023
7969 - GI - Annexure -2 Bodoland Territorial Council Letter - 19-10-2023 19/10/2023
8969 - GI - Annexure -3 Trust Deed Fee Receipt - 19-10-2023 19/10/2023
9969 - GI - Annexure -4 Form Of Authorization - 19-10-2023 19/10/2023
10969 - GI - Annexure- 5 Logo - 19-10-2023 19/10/2023
11969 - GI - Annexure - 6 Deed of Trust - 19-10-2023 19/10/2023
12969 - GI - Annexure -7 Association - 19-10-2023 19/10/2023
13969 - GI - Annexure-8 Historical and Supporting Documents - 19-10-2023 19/10/2023
14969 - GI - Annexure-9 Affidavit - 19-10-2023 19/10/2023
15969 - GI - Annexure-10 Map - 19-10-2023 19/10/2023
16969 - Examination Report - 17-08-2023 17/08/2023
17969 - GI - Producers List - 13-02-2023 13/02/2023
18969 - Reply to FCR by Applicant - 28-11-2022 28/11/2022
19969 - Affidavit - 28-09-2022 28/09/2022
20969 - Authorisation Letter or Form GI - 10(B) - 28-09-2022 28/09/2022
21969 - Formality Check Report - 16-09-2022 16/09/2022
22969 - Form GI-1 - 29-08-2022 29/08/2022
23969 - Statement of Case - 29-08-2022 29/08/2022
24969 - Additional Representation - 29-08-2022 29/08/2022
25969 - GI - Affidavit Copy - 29-08-2022 29/08/2022
26969 - Map - 29-08-2022 29/08/2022
27969 - GI - Form GI -10B Copy - 29-08-2022 29/08/2022
28969 - GI - Assurance Letter - 29-08-2022 29/08/2022
29969 - GI - Analysis - 29-08-2022 29/08/2022
30969 - GI - Supporting Documents - 29-08-2022 29/08/2022


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